Author Archives: admin

China invented the ‘Red War God’ machine that possesses the world’s leading construction technology

The Red War God machine weighs up to 2,000 tons. In 4 days, it is normal for the machine to complete 1 floor of a house. According to CCTV, this is one of the leading skyscraper construction machines in China. It integrates many modern technologies and clearly demonstrates the capacity of the country’s construction industry.

Intraco E&C won the bidding for the Doosan Energbility factory renovation project

As one of the leading prestigious contractors in Vietnam, in June 2023, Intraco E&C Joint Stock Company won the contract to renovate the factory of Doosan Energbility Vietnam Co., Ltd. This is the first step marking a milestone of cooperation between the two sides. Under the new business strategy, Intraco shall focus on heavy industrial

Intraco E&C trúng thầu dự án Cải tạo nhà máy Doosan Energbility

Là một trong những nhà thầu uy tín hàng đầu tại Việt Nam, tháng 6 năm 2023, công ty Cổ phần Intraco E&C đã trúng gói thầu cải tạo nhà máy công ty TNHH Doosan Energbility Việt Nam. Đây là bước tiến đầu tiên đánh dấu cột mốc hợp tác giữa hai bên. Theo chiến

Intraco E&C celebrated International Children’s Day

International Children’s Day 1/6 is a worldwide children’s holiday. This is also an opportunity for parents and families to show their love for their children. And it is an occasion where children’s rights are promoted and protected. On this occasion, Board of Management of Intraco E&C Joint Stock Company gave gifts to the young members


Recently, Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Mr. Phung Duc Tien, together with the delegation of General Director of Department of Animal Health Mr. Nguyen Van Long, Head of Drug Administration Department Mr. Le Toan Thang, Director of Testing Center Mr. Ta Hoang Long, Director of Diagnostic Center Mr. Ngo Van Bac

Warm Christmas with Intraco E&C family

So, another merry Christmas has come again. The sacred and cherished moment that only the religious community has become an occasion for everyone to gather. In the holiday atmosphere, Intraco E&C Joint Stock Company held a small party among the company’s members. The company’s union sent everyone a small gift on a warm Christmas day.

Cuu Long Pharmaceutical receives investment registration for EU-GMP standard pharmaceutical factory project

On November 22, 2022, Cuu Long Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company was awarded the Decision and Investment Registration Certificate by the Management Board of Long An Economic Zone for the Pharmaceutical Factory Project according to EU-GMP standards. This is one of 12 typical projects of Long An province. The EU-GMP standard pharmaceutical factory project of Cuu

Spray against insects and mosquitoes to prevent dengue fever

From the beginning of September 2022, the number of dengue fever cases began to increase sharply. By the end of October, the number of cases per day is estimated at 1,200-1,400 cases per week. Faced with that situation, Intraco E&C Joint Stock Company has planned to spray insects and mosquitoes to ensure health and prevent

Completion ceremony of the concrete phase of Vietnam Animal Heath project

When building a house, all items are important and need high attention to  calculation of techniques, materials, area, construction methods; especially the concrete pouring of foundations, columns, beams and floors. Concrete acts as a pillar to support the weight of the whole building. When the concrete is well-constructed, the life of service will last long.

Indian investors come to visit the Vietnam Animal Health project

On September 13, 2022, Intraco E&C Joint Stock Company was pleased to welcome the delegation of Indian investors. Working with the delegation, on the side of Intraco E&C, there were senior leaders. At the meeting, the delegation said: it is an honor to co me to learn about the possibility of investing in pharmaceutical industrial


UPDATE ON THE PROGRESS OF VAKSINDO VETERINARY FACTORY (July 2022) Veterinary medicine and vaccine factory Vaksindo is part of a series of pharmaceutical factory construction projects of INTRACO E&C company. Up to now, the project has been constructed with lightning speed, completed the rough part and some basic finishing works. The factory has been completed with

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 101: Definition and Guidelines

1. GMP là gì? GMP là tên viết tắt của “Good Manufacturing Practice “, đây là tiêu chuẩn toàn cầu áp dụng đối với nhà thuốc, thiết bị y tế, và một số sản phẩm thực phẩm do FDA (Cơ quan Quản lý thực phẩm và dược phẩm Mỹ) ấn định. Chính vì vậy mà

Cleanroom Standard

Hình ảnh phòng sạch

Cleanroom standard GMP requires very high on materials used in cleanroom, all materials must be able to withstand frequent cleaning, and resistant to detergents, disinfectants, non-toxic materials be their cracks, must be smooth. Granular materials may not be used because of the high risk of contamination. In addition, factors such as durability of materials, design for ease

Safe Working Environment

With the aim of creating a very safe working environment, the Board of Directors of the Company pays special attention to the work of ensuring the health and safety of all employees during the working process; We have developed systems of standards and regulations for safety when working in accordance with the requirements of Vietnamese


INTRACO E&C’s leadership pays special attention to safety work. This is not only a protection for employees, but also a responsibility to society. It is the consensus from senior management. All employees are always trained in safety awareness not only at the construction site but also in the office working environment. Strictly implement Circular 04/2017-TT-BXD

INTRACO E&C starts construction of Vaksindo . Factory in Hung yen

Ngày 09/04/2022, tại khu công nghiệp Yên Mỹ II, Thị trấn Yên Mỹ, Huyện Yên Mỹ, Tỉnh Hưng Yên, Công ty cổ phần INTRACO E&C tổ chức lễ khởi công xây dựng Nhà máy thú ý Vaksindo với tổng số vốn đầu tư lên tới hơn 500 tỷ đồng. Đây là một trong những nhà